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Substitute Witch Page 3

  At this point I didn't even care if she got in an "I told you so." I'd take it if it meant I was back safe in my dorm to hear it.

  I opened the door and found myself in a darkened hallway. That was weird. I'd heard rumors the history department was underfunded but I thought the university paid the electric bills. An occasional pool of light spilled out from offices, but as I walked by I saw that they were also completely empty. As though the entire floor had been emptied out. I wondered if my new friend Professor Jones had anything to do with that. Maybe the entire building was empty. That would make it easier to track someone down.

  I heard footsteps behind me and the click of the door. I turned, eyes wide, and saw the door to the stairs shutting. A shadowy figure stood there looking at me, though I couldn't make out who it was. The person definitely looked feminine. And was that clicking that I heard as she started walking towards me?


  I had to get out of here.

  I turned and sprinted down the hall, not caring how much noise I made. I went past office after office, some open, most closed, but they all had one thing in common. They were completely empty. Deserted. It was just me and whoever was following me.

  I was in deep shit now.

  I rounded a corner, the building was one large rectangle with offices on the inside and the outside of the hall that ran a circuit around the building, and looked for an open office. I didn't see any light spilling out, but there was a door marked faculty lounge. On a hunch I decided to try it. Jackpot! The thing wasn't locked. As quietly, but also as quickly, as possible I pushed the door open and slipped inside. It was completely dark on the other side, but I didn't dare turn on a light to try and see around. Instead I pulled out my phone and used the light from that to try and get my bearings.

  It looked like any other faculty lounge around the University. An old paint job, outdated equipment in the kitchen, and furniture that looked like it'd seen better days. I moved over to a couch that was surprisingly large and fluffy and despite being in the history department which, again, wasn't known for its lavish budget, and sat. I wrapped my hands around my knees and rocked back and forth as I waited and listened for any sound from the hall outside.

  Dreaded hearing the sound of clicking heels coming from out there.

  I held my breath. I saw a slight shadow fell across the meager light streaming in from under the door. There was a creak, and the door started to press open. Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!

  The door opened and a shadowy figure slipped inside.

  I squeezed my eyes shut, but a moment later bright light shone through and I opened them.


  And sure enough it was Cara stepping into the room. She closed the door behind her and it shut with an ominous click. There still wasn't enough light in the room to see by, but I could make her out just fine thanks to the odd purple glow emanating from her eyes. They gave off that same mist I'd seen back in the lecture hall, only instead of filling the room it seemed to disappear after it floated away from her eyes.

  "Ah, I see one of my pets has found you," Cara said.

  Okay. That was weird. Cara's lips were moving, but the voice that came out was nothing like anything I'd heard from her before. It sounded like a strange mix of her voice and Professor Jones's voice. That would've been a pretty neat trick if it didn't have me cowering in terror.

  Cara looked around the room, but she appeared to be looking blindly. I was sitting right in front of her on the couch, there was no way she could miss me with that funky glow from her eyes, and yet her head continued to swivel back and forth. Never focusing on me.

  "Damnation," she said. "It seems the connection isn't as good as I'd hoped. Well, that's what I get for working quickly."

  "Who are you?" I asked.

  Cara turned towards the sound of my voice and I immediately regretted speaking.

  "Ah, so you do have a voice," Cara/Professor Jones said.

  "What have you done with my friend?" I asked.

  "Oh don't worry about her, just think of this as a little puppet show," Professor Jones said through Cara's voice.

  I was talking about Stacy, but she must've thought I was talking about Cara. Whatever. Either way I didn't care for the way she was treating the people I considered closest to me. It was making me mad. It was making me want to do something about it.

  If I could ever escape.

  "Now if you could just tell me where you are like a good little girl, I can come and collect you," she said.

  "Like hell I will!" I said.

  Then of the meaning behind what she just told me started to sink in. She wanted me to tell her where I was? Was she crazy? And asking me to tell her where I was seemed to imply that she had no way of knowing where I actually was. She had no way of knowing where Cara was. It appeared that her little magical control spell was a bit more imprecise than I would've thought.

  But that was just fine with me if it helped me get away.

  "Not going to give yourself up so easily?" Cara asked. "That's fine, I can handle that as well. Thrall, please subdue the demigoddess until I can come and find you."

  It took me a moment to realize that last bit wasn't directed to me.

  Cara reached out and with a click the lights were on. She turned and cocked her head at me and then smiled. I didn't like that smile.

  Then again I also very much liked that smile.

  It's funny the things you notice at a time like this. Like I probably should've been more worried about the fact that Cara was advancing on me, threatening to subdue me until this woman could be bothered to do a complete search of the building, but instead I found myself thinking about how hot she was looking today. She wore some sort of button up shirt that had the buttons undone both at the bottom and the top with a tank top underneath that revealed a generous expanse of her tight stomach below and a large expanse of that hypnotizing cleavage above.

  Holy shit. Was I actually getting turned on in the middle of this life threatening situation? Hold on. Turned on. A light went off in my head.

  My little trick with the love mojo had gotten me out of a more than a few tight situations the past few days. I figured it wouldn't hurt anything to give it another try. So I closed my eyes, concentrated on it just how hot Cara was looking today, and felt the warmth growing inside me.

  It's funny, but it was getting easier and easier to summon that warmth even if I was in distress. Hell, I'd had something of a crash course in the past couple of days on summoning that power when I was more than a little stressed out. If this kept up then I'd be able to summon the power in the middle of a burning building while I was surrounded by rabid weasels trying to take a bite out of me.

  I didn't bother with any of the subtlety I'd used with Felicity this morning. I figured if I was going to break through whatever magic Jones had worked on Cara then I was going to have to really hit it hard.

  So I did.

  The warmth shot out from my body towards Cara. And hit a wall. I shook my head and blinked. That felt like I'd actually run into a brick wall, and it wasn't a pleasant feeling. Cara stumbled back, but there were none of the telltale signs or reactions that said she was suddenly under the sway of whatever it was I was able to do with that warmth. Instead she sat there swaying back and forth with a puzzled expression on her face. For a moment I thought I could even sense some confusion, a desire to break free, and underneath it all…


  Maybe my little trick was working to some degree. No, not with the initial hit. There was something there already. An attraction for me. I smiled. That was something I could use.

  The puzzled expression turned to one of anger. "What are you doing? What was that?"

  Okay, so maybe Jones didn't know as much about all this stuff as she thought. Not being able to completely control the people she was turning into zombies?, Not knowing a demigoddess's powers when she ran up against it. I was starting to think maybe she was just as out to sea as me when it c
ame to knowing about this stuff. Either that or she'd vastly underestimated what I was capable of. The latter would've been nice, but honestly I'd take either one if it got me out of this predicament.

  So I reached out again. This time I summoned every ounce of willpower I could muster, every bit of arousal I was feeling as I stared at Cara and imagined what it would feel like to be on top of her, be inside her, feel those amazing tits pressing against mine, and I slammed out with the power once again. This time when I hit that wall it gave. It was as though I was standing with my shoulder against a brick wall, only the brick wall started to move ever so subtly.

  Then it started to crumble.

  Now that was getting somewhere.

  Again the confusing roiling emotions ran through my head as I pressed out against whatever power Jones was using to keep Cara under her control.

  "Stop it! What are you doing?" Cara said, only this time her voice was sounding more like the Cara I knew and the less like Professor Jones. That odd dual quality was disappearing as I pressed harder and harder.

  And then I was through. This time in Cara stumbled back and fell on her butt, blinking in surprise. I saw a purple mist in the shape of her body fly out from behind her, and then a moment later it seemed to blow away in a nonexistent wind. Just like with the succubus and her minions the day before.

  I didn't even bother to stop and think about how weird that was. I was already well over my quota for weird shit for the year, and I had a feeling I was only getting started.

  Again I had a brief glimpse inside Cara's head, confusion, anger at falling, that attraction that was so warm and delicious, and then it was gone as she shook her head and looked across the room at me.

  "Valerie? What happened?"

  I stood from that surprisingly sumptuous couch and made my way across the room. I reached a hand out towards her and she took it. I tried to ignore the delicious tingle that ran through my body at that contact. I have to admit I was more than a little turned on. That seemed to be a happy side effect of using that strange power, though it was a happy side effect I was more than happy to enjoy.

  I pulled her up and she stood there swaying. Again, I suppose I shouldn't have been surprised about what happened next considering everything else that had happened over the past couple of days, but I was still a little surprised when Cara went from standing there swaying, slightly slack-jawed, to jumping on me and wrapping her legs and arms around me. I stumbled back as she rested her weight on me. Which wasn't much, but it was enough to send me reeling.

  I stumbled back for a few steps and thought that I was on the verge of falling on the hard floor myself, only when I fell back my ass hit something soft. Something fluffy. Something decidedly sumptuous.

  The couch. My legs buckled and I fell back.

  Then it was all I could do to concentrate on anything as Cara's lips found mine and her mouth opened to me. Damn. I was so focused on breaking her free that I hadn't bothered to turn anything off. I immediately dropped the warmth, reluctantly I'll admit, but even as I did I could still feel her pressing against me, still feel her pussy grinding against my cock, still feel her lips pressing against my own. And there was no sign that she was letting up at all.

  That attraction I'd felt was apparently out in full force.

  Now I know this is going to sound odd considering I was just running in terror from what seemed very much like an ancient witch trying to chase me down and capture me for who knows what reasons, an ancient witch who was able to turn an entire class of students into zombies, albeit bargain-basement zombies that didn't really do their job. I should've been concentrating on getting the hell out of there. I should've been concentrating on my escape. But I felt lightheaded, overwhelmed, and then suddenly all I could concentrate on was Cara's delicious body pressing into my own. The feeling of my cock pressing against her pussy.

  And then the rationalizing started. It was a big building, and most everybody in the class had gone downstairs. That meant that Jones would probably be starting her search down below rather than up above. The lecture hall was on the third floor, I was on the fourth floor, and that meant a minimum of two floors for her to search before she even got up here. Plenty of time to have a little fun before I made my escape.

  Was it a rational thought? Was it a smart choice? No, but fuck it. I was already turned on from my encounter with Felicity that morning, and the rational and smart part of my brain wasn't making the decisions.

  No, it was the brain down below calling the shots now.

  I melted into Cara as she continued to press that delicious body against mine. I ran a hand up and down her back, and then down so that my hand was pressing against her pussy through her jean shorts. I moved my hand inside those shorts and cupped her ass through her panties. Damn, no matter how many times I did that, I never got tired of the feeling of a nice pair of silky panties covering a toned ass. Of giving that well toned asked a squeeze.

  And it seemed that Cara was definitely appreciative of my squeezing, because she wiggled her ass in a most delightful way and pressed her pussy down against my cock again.

  Pressing against my cock. I paused. Waiting for the inevitable reaction. She continued to grind for several moments, but then that grinding slowed.


  I decided I'd had enough of treating this like it was something I had to hide from the world. That was no way to treat this cock that had given me so many wonderful experiences in such a short amount of time. No, I was going to take charge. Embrace it.

  I pulled Cara to the side and grabbed her hand, moving it down until she was rubbing my cock through my sweatpants. Her eyes widened as her hand circled my cock, as she realized what it was she held in her hands, as she started exploring up and down its length.

  "Is that?"

  "Long story," I said. "Just enjoy it."

  I don't know if it was a lingering aftereffect of using my power on her, the attraction that she seemed to already have for me based on that brief glimpse I had inside her mind, or maybe a deliciously wonderful combination of all of the above, but she shrugged and leaned in to kiss me again.

  Only this time her hand continued resting on my cock, continued moving up and down jerking the shaft through my sweatpants. I moaned into her mouth as my tongue swirled around hers and our bodies pressed together.

  While she was busy with my cock I decided it was high time I did a little exploration of her body. Starting with those amazing tits. I had to see them, had to taste them. Had to have her.

  "Okay cheer captain," I said. "Time to see what your packing under this shirt."

  She moaned as I moved down and started undoing the buttons on her over shirt. The material was slightly scratchy, but I didn't care. I just had to get it off of her. One button, two buttons, three and then it was loose. I rolled until she was on top of me and started yanking on one end,. I had a small bit of trouble with the other side considering that her hand was still firmly wrapped around my cock and she wasn't letting go.

  Not that I minded that she was having a hard time letting go, but I needed to get that shirt off. Needed to see her amazing tits. Needed to feel her in all her glory.

  I reached down and pulled her hand off of my cock. Reluctantly, to be sure, but my need for her tits was far greater than my need to feel her stroking my cock.

  Her shirt flew across the room. Then I yanked up on her tank top. She sat up and held her hands above her head, her body looking fucking amazing as inch by inch of it was revealed to me as I lifted. I could already see her belly button and a piercing she had there, a piercing I knew she got when she got to college because her parents would've had a conniption fit if she did that while she lived at home. More of her tanned stomach, then her bra. It was just a utilitarian tan bra, but as far as I was concerned it was the sexiest and most amazing bra I'd ever seen since it covered her. It was also my nemesis since it covered her and those amazing treasures.

  I continue lifting and then her tank top was
over her head. She leaned down and with one final yank she was leaning over me with just her bra holding her incredible tits in place. They were huge and they spilled out of her bra which looked like it almost wasn't enough to contain her. I moved my hands up and ran them along the material of her bra, moving my thumbs around the tips of her nipples as I did so.

  Paradise. Pure paradise.

  As I looked her up and down I realized there wasn't a single part of her body that wasn't toned and fit. She really wasn't kidding when she said she was in shape to go out for the squad next year. She was easily in just as good a shape as any of the girls I cheered with. Probably in better shape than some of them.

  I reached around and fumbled at the snap on her bra, but there was nothing there. What the hell? I'd opened enough bras in my day that I thought I knew a thing or two about how they...

  Damn it, a front clasper. I'd fallen for one of the oldest rookie mistakes in the bra opening book. My hands bolted back around to her front and unsnapped the thing with lightning speed. It fell open and her tits were exposed me for the first time.

  My mouth watered as I looked at those amazing orbs hanging down over me. I wrapped my hands around her back and pulled her down towards me, sucking one of her perfect pink nipples into my mouth as she closed her eyes, threw her head up, and let out a moan that was like the world's most wonderful symphony to my ears. I licked her other nipple and was rewarded with yet another moan.

  I pulled back again and looked up into her eyes. "Your body is fucking amazing."

  She smiled down at me. "It better be considering all the time I spend in the gym."

  I let out a growl and rolled until I was on top of her, my cock pressing down against her pussy still encased in those shorts. I wanted to feel her pussy against me, but staring at that amazing and hypnotizing chest was putting new ideas into my head. But for now I just reveled in the feeling of pressing my cock against her body, feeling her pressing her body up against mine. We sat in silence staring into one another's eyes dry humping.